Working on moving more? Keeping a record of how many steps you take or miles you walk and how long it takes can help you stay motivated. Record these numbers in a notebook, journal, mobile app or online record. Use whatever you can keep handy.

You also can track your progress with easy-to-use fitness devices. Which one should you choose? It depends on your fitness goals and the type of exercise you do most. Read on for a few suggestions.

  • Ease of use. Some activity trackers have more features and require more setup than do others. But most are quite simple to use. After you’ve set up the device, just strap it on your wrist or clip to your shirt and go.
  • Extras. The information you want to collect may affect your choice of device. Most activity trackers calculate time spent in an activity and distance traveled. Some even track the number of calories you burn while being active. Activity trackers also may monitor your heart rate. Many activity trackers allow you to upload your data to computers or apps so that you can electronically track your progress.
  • Style. You might prefer one style of device over another. And some devices have a shorter battery life than others. Also, if you like to swim and want to wear an activity tracker in the water, make sure that you get one with a high level of water resistance.
  • Accuracy. Most activity trackers are generally accurate and reliable at counting basic steps.
  • Display. Look for a device with a display that you can read in different types of lighting, especially if you’ll be using it both indoors and outdoors.
  • Price. The cost of an activity tracker can depend on how many features it offers. Activity trackers are available in a wide range of prices.

Once it’s set up, use your activity tracker to help motivate you to reach your health goals. Set goals based on your fitness level.

Start by noting your current routine. For example, go about your day and note how many steps you’ve walked. Then, set a short-term goal, such as adding another 1,000 steps a day. Use short-term goals as building blocks to long-term goals, such as walking 6,000 steps a day.

Whatever your goals, gradually work your way up to achieve them. Track your progress. As you meet your goals, set new ones.