When you choose to adopt healthy habits, you may lower your risk for heart disease.

That’s a message that comes across loud and clear throughout February, when health organizations and nonprofits everywhere strive to raise awareness about the importance of heart health in honor of American Heart Month. As you take action in your own cardio health journey, your health insurance policy can help connect you with a network of healthcare providers and may even allow you to save money on certain heart-healthy endeavors, such as gym memberships.

Ready to get started? Here are five ways to put your insurance to work and focus on your own heart health in February.

  1. Familiarize yourself with your policy. Log in to your Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama account and spend some time poking around. Make mental notes about your deductible, co-pays, and co-insurance so you don’t encounter any surprises later in the year. Look over the list of in-network providers to see if your primary care physician and other doctors are on it. If they’re not, search for an in-network healthcare provider who would be a good fit for your needs.
  2. Make an appointment with your primary care physician for a check-up.  During an annual physical exam, your doctor assesses your overall health. Many of the screenings your health care provider does are important for monitoring your heart health, such as measuring your blood pressure, cholesterol, body weight and blood glucose. In addition, your doctor can offer personalized health advice about your health habits, including nutrition, exercise, smoking, drinking and other lifestyle choices. Be sure to talk to your provider about what vaccinations you need, so you can protect your overall health, too.
  3. Learn what healthy deals and discounts are available to you via your health insurance plan. Blue365 offers an array of health and fitness perks, including discounts on gym memberships and fitness apparel. If you’re able, register for the program to see what’s available to you, and aim to make exercise a regular part of your weekly routine. Research shows that working out regularly can help lower blood pressure, reduce your risk for developing diabetes, support a healthy body weight and reduce inflammation. All of the above are good for your heart!
  4. Learn about any mental health benefits you might have. Stress and mental health conditions can also increase a person’s risk for heart disease and stroke. Find out what mental health benefits are available through your policy. If you have access to therapists, consider making an appointment. If you don’t have mental health coverage, talk to your primary care doctor about any issues you’re grappling with, and see how they can help, or find out what kind of support is available through your community.
  5. Educate yourself. Knowing the signs and symptoms of a stroke and a heart attack could save lives. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama publishes a library of health-related articles aimed at educating members so that they can be their healthiest selves. Take some time this month to read up, so that you can be an educated and activated patient when you need to be.